Task Description: This is sina and the eel. One day Sina was walking by the river and
then she met a eel . They talked and talked for a long time then they became friends.
everyday sina would go to the river the eel would be their waiting for her. When
they got older the eel got more demanding of her love so she ran away. Every river
she went to the eel was there so she ran to the nearest relatives in a near by village.
she had some uncles there who got angry and went to the eel and chopped his head
off. Sina was sad but before the eel took his last breath the eel said to her plant me
and then I will became a tree. So she listened to what he said and planted him.
he became a coconut tree and grew a coconut so she got the coconut and it had
2 eyes and one mouth and she drank from the coconut and she said its like kissing the
eel. Thanks for reading bye.!!
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